Friday, November 21, 2008

Holly Jolly

(Cole is not joking around here. He wants Henry AWAY from him. Henry is oblivious, and loves that Cole is paying attention to him)

For the time being, everyone is healthy. Knock on wood, please. The holidays are rapidly approaching, and the temperature is dropping - thank you six pound eight ounce baby Jesus! I am loving it. The only drawback is having to bundle up the boys. It's a pain in the arse. They don't want to wear the bulky jackets in the car, so it's constantly on and off on and off....... Oh well - the price you pay I guess. Aunt Jonna is coming to town (better than Santa if you ask Cole) tonight, and I can't wait to see how Cole reacts. He's all talk. He keeps telling everyone at school "nana's coming". Points to everything she's ever touched in the house "nana, nana". My prediction is that when he sees her he'll bury his face in my leg and do the half-grin-look-at-the-floor bashful routine. We'll see.

Nanny comes tomorrow - he can't stop talking about her and Teddy either.

Then my cousin Tricia comes on Monday - I am beyond excited! We lived together for a year in New Jersey and for a few months in Sarasota before I moved to Tulsa. She is awesome, and I miss her so much! Her visit should be a blast!

Jolie, Fletch and Blake will be in town next week.

Next week will be great!

What a bummer it will be when everyone is gone. Wah-Wah.

Anyway, I am very much looking forward to Thanksgiving dinner at my Mom's house. She is an awesome cook, and there's nothing like the holidays with your mommy. I'm so glad that she and Bill moved here. I say it all the time, but I don't know what I'd do without them. I had a harsh taste of reality when they were in Europe for three plus weeks.

We took Cole to see Santa at the mall. He was all "Santa, Santa! - Mall! Santa" I kept asking if he was going to sit on Santa's lap for a picture. "yeah, Santa's lap. Picture" We waited in the relatively short line - he was still excited - pointing to Santa, reaffirming his intention to sit on his lap.

Have you seen the commercial with the kid who is obsessed with Pauley the Penguin? Has all his dvd's, stuffed animals, etc... They wait in line for an hour at the mall, he walks up there, gets close, then freaks out and turns around and runs away?

That was Cole.

We had to bribe him with a cookie and he begrudgingly sat long enough for us to get a picture of him and Henry with the big guy. I'll try to scan it and post it later. It's pretty funny.

Henry started clapping and waving last night. I got him to say "Bye Bye" a couple of times. He's so freaking cute! He only needs one finger to help him balance while he stands and yesterday he moved from the couch to the coffee table with a step. We think he'll be walking by Christmas.

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