Monday, November 3, 2008

The saga continues....

For those of you following the continual ups and downs of the Morgan boys' health status, here's a brief update:

Somehow, Henry gave Cole Fifth disease. Henry had the telltale "slapped cheek" redness last week and was generally out of sorts - just crappy. For those of you that know Henry, he's just not a crappy kid. There was nothing specifically wrong with him, so we gave him Tylenol and chalked it up to teething. By Thursday he was back to his old self.

This past Saturday, Cole woke up covered in what looked like hives. Big ones. Scary nasty itchy ones. Poor kid. We slathered him in hydrocortizone and kept him on Benadryl. This morning when the "hives" hadn't gone away, but rather were reappearing in other places all over his body, I brought him into the doctor. She diagnosed it as Fifth Disease which is a lot less serious than it sounds. It's a virus that just has to run it's course.

Since Cole has such a sensitive immune system, it showed itself in a nasty rash, whereas Henry just got the rosy cheeks. She put him on a seriously strong antihistamine and said that if the rash isn't gone by tomorrow, we'll have to come up with another plan of attack. The good thing is that the meds make him sleepy. It gives his little body a chance to slow down and recharge. Keep your fingers crossed that his rash is gone tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow - VOTE!!!!!!!!

-preferably for Obama :)

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