It's two in the morning and Henry just fell asleep. Again. He's been having sleep issues again. He wakes at odd hours and just wants to be held. He falls back asleep, but as soon as he senses that he's being put back in the crib he starts bawling again. For those of you who know Henry (or Hank the tank as I affectionately refer to him), it's so sad to see him cry. He's just such a happy boy that it makes his sad so much sadder.
John and I went out tonigt. It was so nice. It was his company Christmas dinner at Flemmings followed by "The Santaland Diaries" at the PAC, followed by dessert at Polo Grill. Thanks mom and Bill for taking such great care of the boys!!!
Christmas is rapidly approaching and we plan on getting a real tree and setting it up in the living room. We have an artificial tree in the front room. It sits right in front of the big window and looks nice from the street. Unfortunately we have no furniture in that room, so we can't really enjoy it. The beauty of the fake tree is that we can lock the door to the front room and the kids can't have their way with it. Not so if it's in the middle of the living room. Fair game. Surprisingly I'm not nearly as worried about Cole as I am about Henry getting his hands on it. Todd and Amy's baby will be exactly the same age next year as Henry is now, so we'll be the crash-test dummies.
My arms are tired from holding my phone up so I can write this post in bed. Pictures soon!!!
Every Day
I have talked about how my son is wired a bit differently. People think
that I am talking about a child with attention issues, that I am talking
about a c...
8 years ago
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