Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bath Time

We moved Henry into the big bath friday night. He loved it. He was getting pretty squished in the baby tub we had been using. He was like Gulliver in Lilliput. Now he shares the big tub with Cole, but isn't yet afforded the same mobility as his older brother. He sits in a plastic ring that serves a dual purpose. One, it keep his body sitting upright and in turn his airway remains above water, and two, it keeps Cole at a small distance, preventing him from bum-rushing the little guy. Henry likes that he can chew on the bath ring and Cole likes that he gets to sit in it once his little brother gets out of the tub.
Cole loves baby accessories these days. He's quite fond of climbing in Henry's walker and scooting around the living room, knees scraping on the ground, demanding snacks, while trying to run the dogs down. He's also become enamored with the high chair. He loves to sit in it like king of the kitchen. Everything Henry can do, Cole can do better.

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