Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ten tiny fingers, Ten tiny toes

Welcome Wyatt River Mekhanik!! My youngest nephew was born Tuesday at 12:30, weighing 8 pounds, 4 ounces, and measuring 21 inches long. My sister Penny and the baby are doing great!

It's so weird having a nephew that I've never met. Neither of my sisters has met Henry yet. They live in Phoenix, and it's not exactly around the corner.

When her first-born arrived, I was still in the coin business and travelled quite often. I'd always do my best to schedule my itinerary with a day or so layover in Phoenix. I got to know Alek pretty well, and will always have a special place in my heart for him. But since Alek, there have been four more kids born to the Martin girls - Obviously, Cole and Henry, and Stella and Wyatt. Sadly, I've only met Stella three times in her 20 months. The first time, she was only a couple of weeks old, the next, she was still very young - 4 months I think, and the last time I saw her, was over a whirlwind weekend in Las Vegas for our older sister Meg's wedding. It's very strange not really knowing your niece and nephews!

Growing up, we were surrounded by aunts and uncles. Our mother is one of 9 kids, and they all had kids... We pretty much all lived within a 10 minute drive of each other, so to this day, I keep in touch with my cousins. In fact my cousin Tricia is one of my very best friends. It really makes me sad that Cole and Henry won't get that same opportunity with my sister's kids.

We are very lucky that Amy and Todd will be having a little one in January - our boys will have a cousin near-by. Alek, Stella, and now tiny little Wyatt don't have any cousins on their dad's side. I guess between the Mekhaniks and the Morgans, we'll be doing a lot of travelling in the years to come.

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