Thursday, August 21, 2008

Toddler beds and Toilets

Saturday afternoon, I decided to make Cole's crib into a toddler bed. He had already been napping in his big double-bed with the spider-man sheets, so I thought he'd do fine over-night in his new "little" big-boy bed. That night when I went to put him to bed in it, he gave me the big eff-you and decided that he'd spend the night in his spider-man bed. Fine I said, and I laid down next to him to help him fall asleep. And fall asleep he did. Great! Perfect! Our little man is growing up! We put a gate up at his door in case he woke in the night, we didn't want him walking out the front door (incidentally this would have been impossible because, due to Cole's climbing ingenuity, we had dead-bolts installed at the very top of all outside-leading doors to the tune of $350).
Picture it - 3:00 am - you're sound asleep. All of the sudden you hear screaming, a thud and tiny foot-steps across the upstairs floor. We booked upstairs and Cole was standing at his gate very confused and not too pleased with us.
Long story short, I laid back down with him, and I guess he thought it was a free-for-all, because (no exaggeration) he was awake until 5:30 am talking, poking me, wanting to play with his trains.... It was one of the worst nights of sleep (or lack-there-of) of my life.
At 8am, John and I re-assembled his crib and moved the spider-man bed into the attic. Screw that!

Cole goes back to school on Tuesday. I haven't been counting the days or anything. We went to the open-house today to familiarize him with his new room and to meet his new teachers. On the way home we stopped at Babies R Us to get a bath seat so Henry can join Cole in his big boy tub. I'll update after we take a test run tonight. While there, we passed the potty section and I figured it couldn't hurt to get one and have it around the house so Cole could get used to it. When we got home, I took it out of the box, and he immediately pointed to his diaper and said "off". No problem. I took it off and showed him how to sit on the potty. I explained that this is where we do pee pee and poo poo. Not two minutes later I looked in the potty and saw #2! I couldn't believe it! I ran to get some wipes, and when he stood up, I saw he has pee'd too! I took a picture of it, but I will spare you all. I was so damn proud of him! We brought it over to the toilet, flushed it and said "bye bye poo poo!" I'm sure it was a fluke, but come on....What a great start!

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