Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I had heard horror stories about one family member getting a bug and passing it around one to the other. Not until yesterday did I fully appreciate the misery involved. John woke up early Friday morning with an upset stomach and began throwing up. He didn't feel quite right until Saturday evening. Monday morning, when we went to get Cole out of his crib, he ( and his crib, hippo, blankets, wall and carpet) was covered in vomit. Apparently at some point in the night, he woke up, puked, then went back to bed without making a peep. I hadn't so much as put his bedding in the dryer when I began to feel queasy. It lasted all day until last night when I finally bowed to the porcelain god. I woke up this morning with major muscle pain and totally exhausted. Nana saved the day and came and picked up Henry for the day so I could sleep while Cole napped. I have to admit, I wasn't the most fun mom today, I pretty much mailed it in with Cole, but I'm not sure he even noticed. He kept asking me to "hold you". I gladly obliged.

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