Monday, July 21, 2008

Einstein said it best....

How did Einstein put it? "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"
Tonight John and I thought we'd try to take the kids out to dinner. It's been a while - last time was a train-wreck, but that was two months ago, and we thought maybe since Henry is a bit more in control of himself that it would be fine. We were wrong.
We wound up at Texas Roadhouse in a booth all the way in the back - perfect. Henry didn't waste any time - he pitched a fit right away. While I tried to keep Cole seated and focused on eating the rolls (I failed miserably by the way), John gave Henry a bottle. Then we put him in the stroller so he could look around while we waited to order. Henry started coughing, then gagging, then his eyes began to water, then his face turned red, then he projectile vomited all 4 ounces he had just taken. Baby vomit all over the stroller and Henry. We hadn't even ordered yet.
John and I took turns holding Henry while the other scarfed down their meal. All of this took place while Cole stood on his seat demanding our diet sodas, and screaming "Door!!!" as if he were afraid someone was going to open the door for his or herself. All through our miserable dinner "Door!! Door!! Door!!"
John put it best when in the car on the way home he said "I'd have rather walked in, handed the waiter $30, had him kick me in the nuts and been on my way"

As a side note: Cole's door obsession is getting out of hand. It extends beyond just regular doors. It now includes garage doors, appliance doors, and basically anything that shuts on a hinge. He's also developed an obsession with lids - lids, caps, tops, you name it, he has to be the one to put it back on (taking lids off doesn't interest him interestingly). He will scream from across the room and come booking into the kitchen if I unscrew the top to a 2 liter of soda "top!top!top!" - uncontrollable fear that the top will get put back on by someone else. It has to mean something right? Maybe he needs to feel in control, like he has the final say. I'm not really sure, but it's starting to really consume our every activity. Think about how many "doors" you open and "tops" you take off and put on in a day.................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok that is a pretty damn funny post!