Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Door Department

For those of you that live outside of either the Tulsa or Dallas metro areas, you may not know that we have been experiencing a heat-wave. Just as an indication of how miserable it is here, tomorrow's forecast calls for a high of 105 degrees. And it's not even a dry heat, so it's hot and humid. Lovely. As a deterrent to playing out on the deck with Cole, and sweating our arses off, we decided to do what we've been planning on doing for a long time.

We took Cole to the Door department at Lowes.
(and yes, I did take pictures at Lowes like an idiot mom)

We fully expected him to go running down the aisles in slow motion screaming "door! door! door!" while the Chariots Of Fire theme played in the background.
He wasn't quite that excited, but he sure did have a good time. At first he didn't quite know which door to go to first, then he got the hang of it and opened screen doors, and sliding doors, and french doors, and doors with knobs and doors with lever get the idea.

(look at my little guy two-handing it!)

We hired a cleaning lady and justified the expense by cancelling the lawn service. This morning was the first time we mowed the lawn ourselves, and I decided that I wanted to do it as a break from the kids. 8am I was out there pushing through wet tall thick grass, and it was already really really hot. Apparently I suck at edging because in John's words it looked "like shit". He went back out and fixed it. Going forward, I'll mow, and he'll edge and clean-up. Fine by me.

Also, in case any of you need proof of how cool Henry really is,.....


Jolie said...

AWESOME. I so wish I could have seen his little face. That is the best idea ever! Love the picture of Henry, too - I call dibs on holding him when I get up there in a couple of weeks.

Anonymous said...

Good words.