Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cole's 2nd Birthday Party


We celebrated Cole's 2nd birthday yesterday with a big party. There was a bouncy castle (Thank you Poppa Jack!), a pinata, and lots of toys and cake. Cole had a great time playing with all of his friends!

Unfortunately, Fletch and Michael had to stay home because I have shingles (how does that happen?!?!) and we didn't want to risk them getting chicken pox. We did get to see a bunch of out of town friends and family like Nanny and Teddy, Aunt Jonna, cousin Taylor and his friend Chase, and Blake and Jolie.

I think everyone had fun - there were no casualties with the pinata I'm glad to say. We did have an incident when Cole grabbed a decoration and got a staple through his hand. He was pretty upset, but daddy comforted him and calmed him down.

Henry slept through a lot of the party, and when he wasn't sleeping, Jolie did a great job of holding him and keeping him happy. Thanks Jolie!!!!

We got some very exciting news!!! Aunt Amy and Uncle Todd are expecting a baby cousin in January!! We are so happy for them. They're going to be fantastic parents. They say they don't want to know the sex of the baby - it would drive me crazy, but as Todd explained, when you've been waiting 10 years to have a baby, what's 9 more months?


John and I took advantage of Nanny and Jonna being in town, and snuck out last night with Blake, Jolie, Chase and Taylor to see the Dark Knight. Great movie! I got a glimpse forward ten years by having Chase and Taylor in the back of the mini-van on the way to the movie. Farts are pretty hilarious to twelve year olds. They wound up sleeping over, and Cole got to play with the big boys all morning until they had to go back home to Tennessee. He had such a blast!

John goes back to work tomorrow, and it's going to be such a shock to Cole. John has been home since Tuesday - he took some vacation days to hang out with the family. Nanny and teddy stayed with us over the weekend, and they left for Fort Worth this morning. It's going to be a huge disappointment when it's just Cole, Henry and me tomorrow.....

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