Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July

What a great 4th of July we had!!

John and I went to the Tulsa Performing Arts Center with my mom and step-dad to see the matinee of Phantom of the Opera (Thanks to Daria for watching the kids!!). We were literally in the second row of the orchestra. The performance was fantastic. I've seen it on Broadway and in London, and this one certainly didn't disappoint!

In the afternoon, we went on over to Aunt Amy and Uncle Todds for a cook-out and some fireworks. The food was amazing! (Amy, I want that marinade recipe) After dinner, Henry passed out in his pack and play, so we set up the monitor, and moved the party out front.

Cole is finally at the age where he appreciates fireworks for their bang and their sparkle. Last year, he was very leery of them. He had such a blast!! Pudding in tow, Cole started out by watching daddy throw some snaps. He was hysterical at the sound!

Then we moved on to the bigger stuff. Todd and John had a blast lighting bottle rockets, smoke bombs, and various other devices that shot into the air and exploded. Cole thought they were the two coolest people on the planet

I took a million pictures, but these capture his excitement the best. All in all it was a really fun time. We just got such a kick out of watching our little boy enjoy himself so much.

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