Thursday, July 3, 2008

Big sitter-upper

Henry can sit up now. He started early this week, and we're so excited. Now he can see all the action. He still needs a pillow behind him - he's a bit wobbly, but he's got it.
Our little cherub has gone back to sleeping through the night - usually 8 to 7 or so, but Cole now goes to bed at 9 and is usually up before 6. It's a ton of fun.
For those of you that haven't met Henry, he's such a character. He's so expressive, and you never have to guess how he feels, it's usually written all over his face. He's a great baby.
Cole is really getting the hang of it. He's such a great big brother - truly helpful. He has turned into quite an affectionate kid. I was worried for a long time there that he was going to be a serial killer. He just wanted to destroy. It was a phase. Everyone told me it was a phase, but I wasn't so sure. Meeting him now, you'd think he's always been a mommas boy. Generous with the hugs and kisses. and always laughing and smiling. He just wants to please.

And open doors.

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