Tuesday, June 24, 2008

sleep regression and smoke alarms

Ever since John left for Long Beach for business (about a month ago), Cole has been waking at least once each night screaming hysterically for either mama or dada. It's heartbreaking, and completely unlike him. We had been getting him from his crib and laying down with him in his full size bed.

Unfortunately, we set him up to expect a "rescue" whenever he screams long enough. John an I agreed that we need to nip it in the bud. Our rule is that if he wakes before six a.m., we let him cry it out. It's been hard, but the episodes have been getting shorter, and we think we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

In the mean-time, Henry has regressed too, and is waking once or twice each night (the nights are a non-stop party in our house). It started when he would wake up and instead of getting himself back to sleep, he'd roll over and wind up on his back like a turtle, unable to roll back to his tummy.

To the point of this post....last night at 12:30 a.m., John and I were sleeping soundly in our bed (no screaming babies yet!!!) when all of the sudden, our fire alarm went off. Every single smoke detector in the house (there are about 8) began simultaneously screeching and chirping. It was without a doubt, one of the loudest noises I've ever heard. We jumped out of bed and began running around the house like chickens with our heads cut off, still half asleep. We didn't even realize what it was at first. It felt like we were under attack. We wound up having to dismantle the smoke detectors to get it to stop.

Neither kid woke up.

Go figure.

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