Henry has been carrying around his Handy Manny lunch box for weeks now. He was finally able to use it today. I just got back from dropping the boys off at their first day of school (John came too). For Cole, this is his third year, but it's Henry's first day EVER. I want to cry, but all I can do is smile. I know it's selfish, but it is really nice to have some down time. There are so many little projects that I need to get done, but for today, I think I just may relax a little. Neither one of the boys cried when we dropped them off. I'm pretty sure that Henry had no idea that we were taking off, and Cole has just resigned himself to the routine of school. I can't wait to hear their teachers' reports of how they did today.
So much has happened in the three months since I last posted that I won't attempt to recap it all here. Anyone who cares probably is already up to date on the happenings in the Morgan household. For now, I'll post some recent pictures and do my best to update a lot more often. Cut me a break, it's been a very long Summer!
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