Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Congratulations are in order.....

It's been a while since I've posted an update, so I'd like to take a second to congratulate Bryan and Rachael on the birth of Claire! Now that everyone in our house is totally healthy, I can't wait to visit and finally meet her!

Also, congratulations go out to both of the Stall ladies - Jolie and Angie - both due with little boys. Boys, boys, boys.............. There's nothing better (unless, of course, you happen to be the mother of a little girl). Angie, I'm so excited for you, there's something very special about the relationship between a boy and his mother - it's super cool. Jolie, you already know how strong that bond is, and you get to experience it again. How cool. Speaking from experience, watching your two sons grow up and become friends is awesome.

Now for our family updates. Besides the two month long chain of ear infections, stomach viruses, awful colds and seasonal allergies, it's status quo here.
Like almost every parent of a one to five year old in Tulsa, John and I took Cole to see Sesame Street Live at the BOK Center Friday night. I was a little leery. Cole doesn't do so well with disguise. Santa, the Easter Bunny, those cows standing out on memorial in front of Chick Fil A - Cole is terrified. I mean TERRIFIED. Surprisingly, he did fine. Perhaps it was because we were far enough in our row that when the characters came down the aisle there was no danger of them "getting" him. Maybe he was just in awe of seeing everyone in "the flesh", but he was actually pretty excited. At one point, Zoe came down the aisle, and a bunch of kids ran up to her for hugs. I took Cole up to her, and he actually HUGGED her. I couldn't believe it. My little boy is growing up.......at least that's what I thought until we took him to see the Easter Bunny at the mall today. Holy crap, that kid needs his nails clipped. I still have the impressions in my skin. In the end, we have a picture of John holding Henry sitting next to EB. it was the best we could do.

This past weekend we took a family trip to Branson. It went surprisingly well. No major meltdowns, and everyone got a pretty good night's sleep. We went to The Landing, and for the first time in a very long time, we took both kids to an actual sit down and order restaurant. OK, it was Joe's Crab Shack, but it counts. They did great!!! (Aside from Cole declaring right in the middle of dinner that he "did poop"). As a reward, we took them to Ben and Jerry's. Cole got his "black" (chocolate) ice cream, and Henry got an empty cone (I wonder how much longer that trick will work). It was a really nice weekend. I can't believe how well behaved the boys were. John and I were talking about how we finally figured out their limitations, and as long as we don't push it with them, all is well. It only took us two and a half years to figure it out.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Thanks for the congrats! I am so excited to have a little man! I'll be looking to you for advice -cause I'm clueless when it comes to baby boys! :)