Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ice Storms and Milestones

We are all housebound today because of the ice storm. It's not really that bad - no power outages or anything, just nasty out. I took some pictures of our bushes :

It looks beautiful actually. The boys are holding up fairly well for having been cooped up since Sunday night.


I can't beleive our little guy turned the big "ONE" on the 16th! We had a party last Sundy and our friends and family came. Henry had a great time, though I'm not entirely sure he knew what the hell was going on. Not to fear, I took about a million pictures so that when he grows up it will be well documented. Cole enjoyed opening all of Henry's gifts and declaring that they were all his. He still doesn't quite get that, in fact, they are Henry's and he can't rip them out of his hand and knock him over.

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