Unlike when Cole was crawling, when Henry goes for something we don't want him to have, we say "No", redirect him, and he doesn't go right back for it. It's so bizarre. I know I say it all the time, but he's such a sweet happy boy. I'm sure karmically, we'll be paid back around age 13.
Also since the last post, I've had two trips to Urgent Care. First for Cole. He woke up in the middle of the night a couple of weeks ago crying hysterically and saying "ear". Poor little guy. We got him back to bed, but since the next morning was Saturday, I had to take him to U/C. He had a pretty nasty ear infection, so I had the doctor take a look in Henry's ears too (he had had some interrupted sleep as well). Sure enough it was pink in there. The Doctor was cool enough to prescribe antibiotics for Cole, but he raised the dosage so that if Henry ran a fever, we could give him antibiotics too. He did. We did.
My second visit to Urgent Care was last week, I was playing upstairs in the game room with the boys, and Cole started saying "Uh-Oh" - that's never good. I looked over at him and Henry, and there was blood all over the activity table they were playing on. I had no idea where it was coming from, but neither kid seemed to be phased by it. They just went right on playing. I finally found the source of the blood - Henry had sliced the top of his fingertip on the edge of a piece of glass that is inset in a cabinet we have in that room. It was a total freak thing, and in retrospect, it probably didn't warrant a trip to U/C, but the bleeding wouldn't stop, and I really wanted to make sure they cleaned it and looked for any glass inside the cut. They got it all cleaned up and put Dermabond on it (which, incidentally peeled off within two hours). He's totally fine, and never even cried once. My little bruiser.
So John left for St. Louis today, and gets back Saturday afternoon. Like two ships passing in the night, I leave just after he gets back for my trip to Dallas. Angie and I are driving down, staying at the Renaissance downtown, and going to see The New Kids On The Block in concert Sunday night. I will not even attempt to describe the excitement and anticipation. I will say however, that I feel like I've been given a free-pass to go back in time to when I was fifteen. We won't be moms, we'll be girls. We won't have routines / schedules, we'll be on vacation. We can sleep in if we want, and we can leave the room at a moments notice without making sure we have "everything". I love my boys, but I am sooo looking forward to this weekend. Plus, I get to hang out with Fletch and meet Blake and Jolie's dogs. I'm so psyched (intentional use of an outdated term - a throwback to 1990)
Jordan Knight - Here I come!
1 comment:
I'm so damn excited about our trip! We've got the "right stuff" baby! Dallas here we come!
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