It's been quite a week. Last Wednesday, I flew to Phoenix with the boys to visit my family - and specifically to meet my newest nephew Wyatt. What a great baby. He's over three weeks old, and he's still sleeping all day long - wakes long enough to eat and poop, then goes right back to sleep. I'm so jealous.
Overall the boys did really well. My mom was there at the same time, so we shared a hotel room and rental car. I could never have handled 5 days out of town without her. I'm including some random pictures of the family. It really was a great trip - the kids all got along well, and there were no major catastrophes. Can't ask for more than that.
My niece Stella is such a ham, it's adorable. She's absolutely crazy, and so damn funny!! She does this crazy face that cracks me up! I hope that if I ever have a daughter she's like her.
Besides my sisters and the kids, I was able to hang out with Bonnie and Emma. I miss them both so much, but it was so great to see them. The picture below is of the only time all of our kids have been together. For those of you who have known me for a long time, you've known Penny and Bonnie too. Would you have ever thought we'd be moms? All those days and nights driving around smoking cigarettes and laughing - laughing hysterically. We were quite a bunch!
Henry had four teeth break skin in Phoenix, and two more since we got back Sunday night. You can see his mouth full in the picture. He's got 8 teeth!!!
Monday was my birthday, and besides some beautiful charms for my Pandora and James Avery bracelets, John gave me the day off to do whatever I wanted. I took the opportunity to go shopping on Cherry Street and Brookside. All the tiny little shops that I wouldn't take Cole into for all the money on earth. It was so relaxing to browse around and not be constantly saying "No!, Put it back!" and "Get over here...NOW!"
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