Friday, June 6, 2008

Springtime in Oklahoma

The weather here has been pretty wicked. Kind of makes me hear "and your little dog too!" in the back of my head. The winds are incredible, and we've already heard the tornado sirens. I'm taking it in stride, but my poor mother is beside herself. She finally moved into her new house and has already witnessed the fury. John likes to downplay the danger, then scare the bejesus out of them last minute. Nice. Cole is so totally in love with his nana, it's adorable. All we ever hear about is "nana", "biiioooww" (bill), they are so patient and good to him. Their house is incredible, and Cole loves the pool.
Cole's nursing an ear-infection, poor baby. He never really complains when he's sick, he just slows down and gets very clingy. Don't we all just want our mommies when we don't feel good?
Henry's healthy as a horse and about as big. I took him for a well-baby exam yesterday and he weighs 19#,8oz. That puts him at the top of the charts. Not bad for a kid who was sick for the first two months of his life. He's in the 75th percentile for height ( yay! He's getting taller) and his little noggin went up to the 50th percentile from the 20th. Must be his enormous brain. Anyway, you can tell by looking at him that he's going to be a tank. Look out Pepe and Tico!

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