Sunday was a really nice day for me. I woke up to breakfast in bed and gifts from John and the boys. We went to "On the Border" for lunch, then drove around a little and came home. John had scheduled a facial for me so I left around 1:30 and headed to Ihloff.
I enjoyed my facial, and stopped on the way home for some groceries for dinner. We had Daria over for a nice Mother's Day meal. Then the sh$t really hit the fan. Henry and Cole were absolute monsters, and I had purchased the wrong kind of chicken for the fajitas and had to run back out (this was after all the sides were already done) for the right stuff and cook it.
John gave Cole a bath, and I managed to get Henry to sleep at 8:00. Apparently he had been up all afternoon for John and not at all cooperative. We managed a half hour of quiet time and were able to scarf down some dessert.
Daria left around 8:30, and not long after, Henry woke up, and stayed up - screaming and writhing in pain. There was no calming him down or laying him down to sleep. By 10:30 we decided that it necessitated a trip to the Emergency Room. It was very clear that he had a raging ear infection - not laying down, and totally dis-interested in the bottle. So, over came Aunt Amy (unbeknownst to us on the very-late eve of her oral defense of her dissertation) to the rescue to sit for Cole.
We packed Henry in the car and drove to the new St. Francis ER. We arrived at 11:10, and we didn't even get into triage until just before 1am. There were broken wrists, sprained knees, miscarriages, chest pains, and even an elderly man wretching (or as Jonna pointed out, Oklahomans call it puking) into a public garbage can while making the most horrocious (thanks Jolie/Blake) guttural noises.
Anyway, we were finally seen by the (I will spare you the four letter c-word I referred to her as) triage nurse, and put in an exam room. We were immediately seen by an awesome nurse, and one of the coolest doctors I've met. (He and John shared some insider Starwars nerd references). We went through the whole exam - head to toe and finally, he checked the ears - NOTHING. The kid had gas. Doctor said he could hear the gurgling in his bowels and to keep up with the mylicon. Figures.
So at 2am, we walked out of the ER a bit embarrassed, but relieved that he was fine.
But the kid still would not sleep.
We finally got him to pass out at 4am. It's taken him a while to normalize from the gas issue - yesterday was a bit rough, but he made up his sleep last night (7:30pm to 9am!) and has been an angel all day. I guess better safe than sorry, but I really feel bad for parents whose kids have colic. They deal with it all day all the time.
Every Day
I have talked about how my son is wired a bit differently. People think
that I am talking about a child with attention issues, that I am talking
about a c...
8 years ago
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