Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I know that technically, this isn't the best picture. If you look closely, however, you will see a perfect representation of the dynamics in our house. Cole is pulling on Henry's pajama foot (in an effort to knock him over). Meanwhile, in mid fall, Henry is laughing and having a great time. Anything Cole does is golden to Henry. Now for the best part. Take a look at the expression on John's face. Priceless.

As I type this, Henry is asleep, Cole is in school, and John is on his way to Long beach California for the week. Silence. Sweet, sweet, elusive silence. I always say that when Cole is in school and Henry naps, that I will nap as well. It never happens. I always find something else to do - like updating the blog.

Henry is cutting teeth numbers two, three and four - simultaneously. They're all on the top, and they all look like they are sore as hell. Poor little guy. One has broken the skin already, so the worst is over, but the other two are hanging in there for dear life. Any second now......

My mom goes to Phoenix next week to meet my sister's newest baby. I'm so jealous! Hopefully I will get my ass out there soon. I'll probably wait until it's really cold here so I'll have an excuse to warm up.

That's all I got.

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